School Educational Philosophy
School Vision
A Gabrielite will be God-loving, disciplined, gracious, caring and a life-long
School Mission
Shaping Lives for Service to God and Nation.
School Motto
Labor Omnia Vincit
The Latin motto "Labor Omnia Vincit" stands for Labour conquers all things. Hard work embodied in diligence and perseverance leads one to achieve greater things in life. It can thus be said that in whatever you do, do your best.
The motto personifies the importance of giving one's best in all endeavours. It is our hope that each student will approach learning with passion and perseverance; that he will form lasting friendships and thus understand the meaning of loyalty, sincerity and fellowship; that he will become socially responsible citizens who would learn from the youngest age how to give of themselves for the greater good; that he will laugh and play and enjoy being a boy. Above all, he must always be mindful of God's grace and presence.
School Philosophy
Core Belief: Loving Each Child as our Own
Established as part of the St. Gabriel’s School in 1953, the school follows the footsteps of our founder, St. Louis Marie de Montfort, whose belief was to ‘Love each child as a son of God’. Staff strives to love each child as our own.
Student Outcomes
The mission of Shaping Lives for Service to God and Nation is one that
is shared by all the Montfortian and Gabrielite schools. The vision is
‘A Gabrielite is God-loving, disciplined, gracious, caring and a life-long
learner’. Similar to the set of school virtues, the vision is largely about
developing the character of the students. Three key student outcomes were
added in 2019 to provide clarity in terms of the Gabrielite the school
hopes to produce. Developing a Leader, Sportsman and Achiever became key
student outcomes of the Gabrielite 2025 Strategic Plan. As evident from
the unpacking, the outcomes reflect a combination of attitudes and competencies
that would help Gabrielites succeed in the future. This was co-created
and conceptualized after a process of staff consultation and discussion.
It included reaching consensus in terms of the indicators for each of the
outcomes which was important for a shared understanding amongst its staff.
The Gabrielite 2025 Strategic Plan built on the earlier plan and focused
on three Strategic Thrusts instead of four. ST1 focused on the character
development of the students with the student outcomes of Leader, Sportsman
and Achiever clearly spelt out. ST2 emphasised the importance of providing
an engaging teaching and learning experience and developing 21 CC while
ST3 centred on building staff capacity.