InfoComm Technology (ICT)
Department Goal
Every Gabrielite will be a proficient, innovative and responsible user of ICT.
Key Personnel
Ms Chua Suting (Subject Head / InfoComm Technologies (Internal))
Department Programmes
Baseline ICT Skills and New Media Literacies
Our 6 year programme aims to equip every student in St Gabriel's Primary School with the essential ICT skills to enable them to be future-ready citizens. Each year, our Gabrielites will focus on mastering a set of ICT skills as follows:
Primary 1 – Basics of Computer Operation and Touch Typing, Organising Information using Microsoft Word
Primary 2 – Internet Search, Email, Creative Presentation using Microsoft Power Point
Primary 3 – Introduction to Coding and Design
Primary 4 – Code For Fun (CFF), Data Management using Microsoft Excel
Primary 5 – Basic Photography and Photo Manipulation
Primary 6 – Basic Video Production using Windows Movie Maker
Our lower primary Gabrielites at Baseline ICT Programme
Our Gabrielite coding a Sphereo Bolt at Code For Fun (CFF)
Our Gabrielite testing out his Sphero Bolt programming at Code For Fun (CFF)
Cyber Wellness Education
Cyber Wellness (CW) refers to the positive well-being of Internet users. It involves an understanding of online behaviour and awareness of how to protect oneself in cyberspace. The focus of CW is about helping students to become responsible digital learners. The 3 Cyber Wellness key messages are:
- Embrace the affordances of technology while maintaining a balanced lifestyle between offline and online activities.
- Be a safe and responsible user of technology and maintain a positive online presence.
- Be responsible for personal well-being in the cyberspace.
There are 5 key Cyberwellness topics which students are engaged in through school assembly programmes as well as within our school’s Montfortian Character, Citizenship & Leadership Education (MCLE). They are:
Topics | What our Gabrielites will learn about |
Cyber use | - Maintaining a healthy balance of online and offline activities |
Cyber identity | - Developing a healthy online identity - Appropriate online expression |
Cyber relationships | - Netiquette - Cyber bullying - Developing safe, respectful and meaningful online relationships |
Cyber Citizenship | - Understanding the cyber world - Handling online content and behaviour - Having a positive presence in the cyber community |
Cyber Ethics | - Creating and sharing of online content in a responsible manner - Respecting copyright |
Our Cyber Wellness Student Ambassadors Basil Quek and Stefan Snodgrass Danker sharing with the school about Safer Internet Day during school assembly.
Our Gabrielites accessing the Go Safe Online mobile booth set up by the Cyber Security Agency of Singapore (CSA)
Classroom activity where students learn about Media Balance
Support at Home
To complement the CW curriculum in schools, parents can set a good example at home in the use of technology and play an active role in guiding our children to navigate in cyberspace. To ensure that their children are safe and have positive experiences online, parents can: