Character and Citizenship Education
Department Goal
The goal of the Character and Citizenship Education Department (CCE) in St. Gabriel’s Primary School, is to inculcate values in our Gabrielites and to develop them to be active loyal citizens who are able to contribute to the society, are civic-conscious and resilient.
This is done through various vehicles like National Education (NE), CCE lessons which are conducted during Mother Tongue lessons, our school’s in-house Montfortian Character, Citizenship and Leadership Education (MCLE) lessons, as well as through valuable school experiences such as Values-In-Action (VIA) projects and CCAs.

Key Personnel
Mdm Lim Jia Shyuan
Department Programmes
National Education (NE)
NE strives to develop a better understanding of the country. In doing so, we aim to develop in our students, national cohesion, emotional rootedness and the sense of belonging to the nation.
Specific activities are carried out to provide opportunities for students to interact and work together to accomplish an assigned task during the 4 core NE events – Total Defence Day, International Friendship Day, Racial Harmony Day, National Day - that will be held in school.
Montfortian Character, Citizenship and Leadership Education (MCLE)
Every term, MCLE lessons are conducted by all teachers. During these lessons, the story and virtues of our founder, St. Louis Marie de Montfort, is shared with the Gabrielites. They also learn about leadership qualities using a 3-tier student leadership framework. From his life story, Gabrielites are encouraged to live out the school’s virtues in whatever they do.
Values-In-Action (VIA)
Recognising the need for social cohesion and civic responsibility, we aim to develop Gabrielites to be active contributors to the society through Values-In-Action (VIA) by levels and co-curricular activities (CCA). The whole-school approach is in line with the school’s view on holistic education.
VIA activities are segmented into 3 tiers – whole school, level-specific, and tier-specific. The students are undergo a process where they take ownership of the VIA projects with the teachers taking on a facilitation role.

Some examples of VIA projects include a collaboration with Braddell Heights grassroots on a Used Books Collection, and a Gabrielite School Experience project that our young Primary Two students undergo to host groups of kindergarten students. The Primary Three cohort also visit St. Luke’s Eldercare and engage the seniors in a series of activities that they have designed and prepared.

Religious Education (RE)
Catholic students, and non-Catholics who have chosen to opt-in, attend the RE classes where our teachers work with a team of dedicated and experienced Catechists to impart the Catholic Faith to our children. All topics are aligned with those taught in MCLE classes, but discussions would be from a Christian perspective, incorporating lessons from the life of Christ and that of the Saints.

Character and Citizenship Education (MTL)
During Mother Tongue Lessons (MTL), students deepen their learning of moral values through the use of cultural stories, songs, proverbs, and practices that are unique to each MTL. The lessons also reinforce the teaching and learning of foundational social-emotional skills.
The vocabulary learnt by the students during their MTL lessons at each level provides a guide in the choice of proverbs and the activities in the journals for CCE (MTL). Activities are contextualized and applicable to their daily experiences.

National Education (NE) Shows
Every year, the Primary 5 students attend the NE Show to bask in the national celebrations and to evoke in them, a sense of patriotism